I started working on assignment 3. I have a basic circle made of spheres, but I haven't figured out how to deal with the colors yet. The circle looks a bit strange because the spheres get more and more crowded as they near the center and start to overlap. I think I'll try to change the radius of the spheres so they get smaller as they near the center. Either that or reduce the number of spheres in the rings the closer they get to the center.
for ($i = 1; $i < 37; ++$i)
for ($j = 1; $j < 9; ++$j)
$ball = `shadingNode -asShader lambert`;
$color = $ball + ".color";
$objname = `polySphere -ch on -o on -r .06`;
xform -translation ($j/8.0) 0 0;
move 0 0 0 $ball.scalePivot $ball.rotatePivot;
xform -ro 0 ($i*10) 0;